1. Github.com to store and share our code.
2. Cloud9 online IDE. Can sign in with github and it should work in the computer lab.
3. Intel XDK for an offline IDE that can compile to any mobile device as well as HTML5.
4. Phaser 2D game programming framework.
5. Google search for help!
Friday #1 *****************************
- Introduction
- Goal: https://shmup-run01-johnredden.c9.io
- Free Book: https://leanpub.com/html5shootemupinanafternoon/read
- Setup of Cloud9 Online IDE (sign in with GitHub)
- Starter Template: https://github.com/bryanbibat/html5shmup-template
- Afternoon 0, 1 and start afternoon 2.
- Socialize and share game ideas.
Friday #2 *****************************
- Basic Phaser Code
- Upgrade this game together: iThrowRock
Starter Template: https://github.com/johnRedden/Rocks - Continue 1942 Game (How to make groups.)
- Socialize a bit more this time!
Friday #3 *****************************
- Sprite groups and p2 collision groups.
- Upgrade this game together iThrowRock:
Starter Template: https://github.com/johnRedden/RocksVer2 - Modify the game and share results.
Friday #4 *****************************
- Basic game from scratch. Balloon popping!
Starter Template: https://github.com/johnRedden/balloonpopV1 - Going from zero to something today!
Friday #5 *****************************
- Game States (Air Hockey)
Starter Template: https://github.com/johnRedden/AirHockey - APK files for Android
- Certificates signed by the President.
List of really good resources updated as we progress:
- Javascript Objects w3schools
- Phaser Documentation
- Phaser Examples
- Extra examples (Phaser Labs)
- Phaser Cheat Sheet